Monday, May 23, 2011

New Exercise Mission and Recent Food Issue

It has been almost 2 years since my surgery. I have maintained my 170 pound weight loss for more than a year now. I am about to embark on a new journey that will hopefully help in toning my body. I have not been stead fast with the exercising portion of this surgery. I have signed up for a walk in September that I will now have 4 months to train for. I will be attempting to walk the Boston Marathon to raise money for the Jimmy Fund. I am excited about doing it. I will be attempting the full marathon but will go as far as I can. Back in '05 I weighed 70 pounds more than I do now and I walked 18 miles in one day for the Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer walk. It was such a feeling of accomplishment. Now that I've lost all this weight, I want to put my extra stamina to work for a good cause. I will keep everyone updated on how the training is going.

Last week I had pork roast for the first time since the surgery. My body did not process it properly and it became stuck. I had eaten food afterwards, before I was aware that it was stuck. It was very painful and I felt nauseous. The pain started in my stomach and went into my chest, my throat, the base of my neck, my ear and up to the top of my head. It was all I could do to crawl into bed. After I got there my husband suggested that we go to the emergency room. I chose not to because I truthfully didn't want to move.

Morning came and my chest was still in pain as if someone had punched me the night before. I did feel somewhat better though and it didn't feel like the food was stuck anymore. I guess pork is on the "Cannot Eat" list.

I've also been having trouble with sugars lately. I'm not sure if it was whole milk that I drank today (not thinking - I was at a restaurant and they just brought it out. I had forgotten to ask for low fat milk) or if it was a bite of strawberry banana pancake that did it but it gave me a severe headache and nauseousness with dizzy spells. I need to be more careful.


  1. I am not sure if you still check this blog or not. I am almost 8 weeks post op from gastric bypass and I have a million questions for you. I went in last week to have my lower opening stretched because I too was constantly throwing up everything I tried to eat. I would love a chance to email you if you are able.
    My name is Chandra

  2. Chandra,

    If you don't mind keeping in touch here, I'm sure your questions and experiences can help others if you are willing to share.

    I've never heard of having the lower opening stretched but I do suppose it makes sense considering the situation. I had trouble with certain foods getting stuck in the beginning and throwing up often as well. I think a great number of us who have had this surgery can relate. I don't remember being able to eat much at 8 weeks post op though. I thinki I weas just coming off of liquids and being able to eat only soft solids. I hope the case was not that they were pushing solid food too early.

    I apologize. I just saw this post and should have gotten back to you sooner. Please let me know how everything is going now for you.

    I would be more than willing to discuss any questions you have further.

