Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 Weeks After Surgery

Last night marked two weeks after surgery. Today I weighed in 30 pounds less than I did 2 weeks ago.

I had my doctor's appointment today. Actually, I saw the Nurse Practitioner. She removed my staples, thank God. She went over a few questions about how I was feeling and stated that everything was looking good. My one concern, infection in the largest incision, did not occur. It was still open, by that, I mean, the incision was very deep and that was still evident by the gap between my skin. It is not fully closed. She put some steri tape on it, which should stay on there for 1 week and that should help close it. She advised that if I used cream on the other scars it would help to soften the skin and clear up the scar tissue.

I have been cleared to go to the beach and in the water for short periods, but I cannot swim in pools for another week until that one incision is closed completely. The reason for that is the high concentration of bacteria in pools is too high. The ocean is fine because the water is moving and dissipating the bacteria and is not in such a high concentration in one area. The heat wave is over now and there is a hurricane coming up the coast this weekend so the beach is out. Next week will be in the high 70's only so we may have to forget that for this year unfortunately.

I am looking forward to a great night sleep tonight without the staples in. I am currently lying on my side as I type this. I feel much more comfortable.

I visited work today. I originally had 4-6 weeks approved for recovery. The nurse said I was doing well and as long as I can increase my protein grams per day from 30 up to 40 I shouldn't be as tired and can go back to work as early as next week. My mother thinks I'm crazy because I have all that time approved, but I'm not doing anything with my time at home. At least if I start out early with half days it won't be such a shock to my system when I go back full time. I'm just lucky I like my job. I wouldn't recommend that everyone do this. If your job is a very stressful one, take the time to take care of yourself and get used to the diet before going back. Some jobs are just too stressful to do both. I am able to drink and have food at my desk so if I need to, I am still able to take care of myself there. Starting off with half days will give me the ability to see where my body is at as well. I am still VERY tired and need to take a nap during the day. This way I will know how much my body can handle as time goes on but still get the rest I need in the beginning.


I made the mistake of overdoing it yesterday and was worn out by 12. I had run many errands and spent too long registering my son in an overheated high school. By noonish I was drained and my incision was burning. I had spent too much time in the car as well. Sitting in this position had my incision folded into itself and the staples were rubbing against the skin, irritating the area around it. I was exhausted but couldn't sleep, and I didn't feel like drinking anything. It was 96 degrees outside and that was not a good way to be feeling. I knew I needed all the liquid I could get. As a result of this 4 day heat wave, I drank more water than protein, trying to not get dehydrated. This just exhausted my body. It was nice to be able to visit my parent's during this time. They have a fabulous A/C. It was a savior. So was the company. Try not to spend a lot of time alone. Not only is it important to be able to talk with others, but you can also have them remind you to drink if you're struggling with it.

Listen to your body if you have had the surgery. Even if you haven't for that matter. You have to be aware of what you need or you could find yourself in a dangerous situation.


A few days ago I had a food issue. I wanted it. I was near a Subway and they were baking fresh bread. The smell was intoxicating. Of course, after that, I noticed EVERY fast food place for the rest of the day. But what I really wanted was a piece of buttered toast. I have also wanted the end triangle, the first bite of a piece of pizza. No more than that, just that bite. Even though the desire is there, the temptation is not. I am very secure in the fact that after this long, if I tried to eat anything like that, I will become violently ill. No thank you. Nothing is worth that at this point. I had a Tic Tac Bold yesterday and as soon as the taste of peppermint hit my stomach I had to spit it out. It was too powerful and my stomach didn't approve.

I have noticed my bad food habits as well. I have this voice inside that tells me when to stop, or what would be good at a given moment. I didn't realize how many times a day this voice kicks in and how often I had listened to it in the past. If I don't give in to it, it keeps going with the next suggestion like a sabotaging enemy. I just acknowledge it now for what it is and keep going. It's nice to recognize what it is with the tool of the surgery behind me so that I can't give in.

I have one week left before I start eating foods besides the liquid. I'm very nervous about it but I think I will be fine because I am very mindful of what my body can handle. I'm hoping it will be easier to get all the protein in then. A bite or two of chicken sounds like something I could really look forward to.


  1. Missy - you are doing so AWESOME!!


    Your favorite sister-in-law ;-)

  2. Keep up the good work!! You're going to do GREAT!! I'm very proud of you for the progress that you are making.

